Some friends who are new to the mining machinery industry are confused about whether the ore particles carried in the mineralized foam in the flotation machine are concentrate or tailings. Today, Xingmuang Group will come to solve the confusion for everyone.
First of all, let's take a look at the working principle of the flotation machine and see if we can find the answer from it.In fact, the answers to many questions can be found in their definitions and principles. This is very similar to what teachers often say about finding answers in questions.
In fact, the theoretical basis of various flotation processes is roughly the same, that is, the ore particles can gather at the liquid-gas or water-oil interface due to the hydrophobic characteristics of their own surface or the hydrophobic (hydrophilic or oily) characteristics obtained after the action of flotation agents.At present, the foam flotation method is widely used.
The working principle of the flotation machine is: the ore is broken and ground to dissociate various minerals into monomer particles, and the particle size meets the requirements of the flotation process.Add water and necessary agents to the grated ore, adjust it into a slurry through the stirring tank, and feed it into the flotation tank.Air is introduced into the slurry to form a large number of air bubbles. Some hydrophobic mineral particles attach to the air bubbles and float to the surface of the slurry together with the air bubbles to form a mineralized foam layer; other hydrophilic mineral particles remain in the slurry.Adjust the height of the gate, control the liquid level, so that the useful foam containing specific minerals is scraped out by the scraper, so as to achieve the purpose of mineral processing.
From the above definition, we can already have a preliminary judgment on whether the minerals contained in the mineralized foam in the flotation process are concentrates or tailings. If you don't particularly understand and determine, then, take a look at the definition of anti-flotation, it will definitely help you understand it faster.
The definition of anti-flotation can help us better and more intuitively distinguish the difference between the two.“The general flotation process refers to scraping out the required minerals with the foam, the so-called positive flotation.In the flotation process, the required minerals are left in the flotation tank, and the process of gangue minerals scraping out with the foam is called reverse flotation.Simply put, the selection of useful ones is positive flotation, and the selection of useless ones is anti-flotation.”
In anti-flotation, it is clearly defined whether the minerals enriched in the foam during the flotation process are concentrates or tailings. The useful ones are positive flotation, and the useless ones are anti-flotation.In other words, in the positive flotation, the minerals attached to the foam and scraped out by the scraper are dehydrated and dried to be concentrate products; in the reverse flotation, the minerals scraped out with the foam are tailings, and the slurry left in the flotation tank is dehydrated and dried to be the target product concentrate we are looking for.
Through the above detailed introduction, if you are new to the mining industry, have you figured out whether the minerals enriched by the foam of the flotation machine are concentrates or tailings?Are there any questions about mineral processing?If you are not afraid, call the customer service center of Xingmuang Group. Whether it is the problem of mineral processing technology or mineral processing equipment, we will help you solve it here.
Xingkuang Group specializes in the production of various mineral processing equipment, and can tailor a variety of mineral processing production lines for you, provide free mineral processing process, customized mineral processing plan process, pre-sales peace of mind, worry-free after-sales, eliminating your various troubles, the manufacturer is equipped with technical personnel to install on-site, and accept after passing the commissioning and operation. Welcome to consult us.
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